Video: Why Ships Use Port and Starboard Instead of Left and Right?

Video: Why Ships Use Port and Starboard Instead of Left and Right?

Last updated on December 17th, 2022 at 09:26 am

Ever wondered why the terms “Port” and “Starboard” are used to denote Left and Right side on ships? Well, we wondered and went on to find the answer for you. Read on to know the interesting story behind it:

During earlier days, before ships had rudders on their centerlines, boats were controlled using a steering oar. A steering oar was basically just a modified ore generally attached in a vertical direction to one side of the ship/boat. As it is very common that most of the people are right handed in the world, most of the sailors were also right handed, so the steering oar used to control the ship was placed over or through the right side near the stern. Thus most of the sailors used to call the right side as the “Steering Side”, which soon became “Starboard”. The word “Starboard” is formed by combining two old English words: stéor (meaning “steer”) and bord (meaning “the side of a boat”).

As the size of ships grew, so did the steering oar, making it much easier to make fast a ship to a dock on the side opposite the steering oar, i.e, the boats/ships used to dock with the left side of the ship facing the shore/dock.

The original name of the left side of the ship was not “port” but rather the old English “baecbord.” This was probably referencing the fact that on larger boats the helmsman would often have to hold the steering oar with both hands so that his back would be to the left side of the ship/boat. After “baecbord” came “ladderbord” meaning “laden” (meaning to load) and bord meaning “ship’s side,” this gave rise to the starboard rhyming word “larboard.” 

As the time passed, it became evident that “larboard” is very easily confused with “starboard” during communications. Hence it was replaced with the word “port” as this was the side that faced the port or the dock, allowing cargo to be loaded or discharged.

Also Watch- Video: Why Ships Are Mostly Called ‘She’?

So, that is how the terms “Port” and “Starboard” came in existence.

Since “Port” and “Starboard” never change, they are unambiguous references that are independent of a mariner’s orientation, thus removing the chances of any ambiguity and hence sailors prefer to use these nautical terms instead of left and right to avoid confusion.

Here is a detailed video on this interesting subject:

  1. I do have to make a remark on this article. Starboard is indeed coming from the fact that that the oar was on the right side of the sip, but it is basically derived from the Dutch word “Stuurboord” (Stuur is the Dutch word for Steer).
    In those days the Dutch were everywhere when it came down to sailing, they had a huge influence on the words used on board. If you’ll check out the dictionary pages in the Nautical Almanacs, you will find many more words which are very much similar in Dutch and English. Actually, those words can be found in other languages too. See also the Dutch etymology website on this

  2. Hmm, I never knew why ships used port and starboard instead of left and right! It’s fascinating to learn about the history and reasons behind this nautical tradition. As a frequent boat rider, I’ve always wondered why captains give directions in a way that seems so unusual to landlubbers. Now I know! Thanks for sharing this informative post!

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